If you don't have any nice things to say...

I remember glancing at the comments section of some instagram accounts a few days ago. It’s sad how so many people have become so ignorant to what they’re saying, that these days we have to stay sane to set apart honest opinions, constructive critics, or just pure mean comments, to know how to react to them.

Yes, it’s social media. Yes, you have your freedom of speech. But we all have to learn the manner and think before we speak. Saying mean things without any objective reasons is not criticism. If you want to look smart, first be smart enough to learn the difference between delivering a reasonable criticism or just rubbish cynical comments that leads to verbal bullying. Trust me, the second one won’t make you look smart. Instead, it makes you look like a poor, pathetic envious little kid who got nothing to do than bashing people and desperately looking for attention. 

The difference between constructive critics and useless hateful comments:
- hateful comments aren’t based on truth or objective matters, often out-of-topic, or said by anonymous or fake accounts. They’re afraid to reveal their identity because what they’re saying is not true. Hateful comments are said to bring you down.
how to react: Do not reply or react to what they said because that way you’re giving them attention they’re looking for. Simply ignore and block these attention-seekers, don’t waste your time on them.

- constructive critics might sting a little bit, but it builds your consciousness and leads you to do better on what you’re doing. Constructive critics are said because they care about you and they want you to know their personal opinion. They want you to improve.
how to react: be wise and take what you think as a good input for yourself, do not let it make you feel feel bad or slowing you down.

Reasons why those people say mean things (intentionally or not):
- They hate you / what you’ve achieved. They just hate everything you do. They don’t even know you but they hate you. Maybe you look like their ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. Or maybe you are their ex-boyfriend’s new girlfriend. I don’t know, but they are full of bitterness and negativity.

- They have low self-esteem / feeling inferior. They love to find out about you, and comparing themselves to you. But your achievement hurts them because they don’t feel as good as you, so they do things to make them feel no longer inferior, such as simply saying you’re not doing better than them or some people they know, or attacking you with mean comments to affect you and what you’re doing.

- They got nothing to do and just desperately looking for your attention. "Hey, maybe she’ll notice me if I drop cruel comments!"

- They’re clueless / simply lacking of manners.

It has been a blurred line since people attached these phrases to justified what they’re saying, such as:
"No hard feelings." / "I’m just saying." 
This does not justify what you’re saying. Not everyone is as strong as you think, some might feel verbally bullied and they won’t get over what you said. Be careful on what came out from your mouth because you can’t take it back. 

You only hear what you want to hear, you can’t take criticism." / Don’t listen to criticism, they’re just haters.
There is a line between not taking criticism or moderating which one’s good for you and which one’s destructive. Don’t be defensive. Be wise to know what’s what, either way it’s for your own good and it’s also your loss if you mistaken a gold input for a rubbish.


Any kind of the opinions you give on others, however always have impact, either it’s good or bad. They said ‘if you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all’. But it’s your choice anyway. You can make fake account and bash people with your negativity. You can also say constructive comments, magnifying people’s strength, and see the massive impact you can make only by your words. Instead of shutting them down, you can inspire them to do more wonderful things. Make the world a better place, shall we?