days change and feelings fade.
aneh gak sih.
there's this random day when you just
suddenly.... forget about someone that used to be something to you. they
just stop running in your mind and you just stop thinking how are they
is is that easy for us to forget, to let go?
friends are forever, they said. but i have these people i once thought was my friends.... i already forget about their names.
maybe they are never my friends.
i said before, days change and feelings fade. it's true. feelings fade
in matter of months. days, maybe. feelings grows in days, too. in hours.
feelings are abstract, i guess. One minute you're feeling like this and
minutes after that it becomes the opposite. yeah, feelings are weird,
but i've got one thing about feelings i know for sure.
Feelings aren't eternal.
wish they are, because i want to be happy forever. But to be happy, we
have to overcome shits and obstacles... we just have to face that. Why, i
always ask. And i never get the answer. Another thing about life is
sometimes things are left unanswered.
Feelings.... i guess i just never understand it.